“Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark”

“You know, I’m not a celebrity memoir fan. I’m just not all that interested in who boinked who where and when or what have you. I think this one is probably more suited to people who care more about celebrities that I do.

Elvira stuff doesn’t show up until about halfway through, maybe even later, and that portion wasn’t as central as I thought it would be. It was the part I was most interested in, so there was some letdown there. It’s not a bad book by any stretch, but it’s probably only for megafans or people who love 60’s/70’s celebrity gossip.

I’ve long considered my horror host character options, as I assume everyone does. Here are a few I came up with:

The Reelman
This is a guy who owns a movie theater in 2020/2021 and is desperately trying to save it. So he tries to interest people in all these shitty movies so he can keep the business alive. But he can only get shitty movies because he has zero budget. I don’t act very well, but I could probably pull off depression and desperation mixed together.

The Film Student
This is a jerkoff film student who’s been trapped in a basement and forced to watch lousy horror. He’s only seen stuff like Citizen Kane, so this is all very shocking. I do own glasses, and I could probably watch Citizen Kane and make this work.

Clearance Clarence
This guy gets all his movies from the clearance bin at a cursed Walmart. But he enjoys watching people go through horror because it makes him feel better about his own life. The bonus of this one is it can be filmed in any crappy apartment. Convenient!”