What Essay Assignments Asked for Versus What I Heard

Okay class, you’re going to be working on a research paper.
[oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.  Please say we get library day.  That is the easiest day to not do work ever invented.  Oh fuck, oh please.]

This will be a six week project, so I expect a lot of good results here.
[Let’s just plug that into my ol’ equation for my greatest works so far.  Let’s see, six weeks, divided by ten because everything takes ten times too long.  That’s 3 school days.  Minus two because there are still some shows on TV that I would like to watch.  Soooo the better part of one very sweaty night.  Check]

I also have a list of different resources that you need to use.
[okay.  Great.  Another evening where my legs get sore from crouching and looking over the encyclopedia Britannica.]

Make sure to pick your topics carefully.
[lasers seem cool.  Checkmark there.]

I expect these to be typed.[I can do mostly typed.  I mean, some corrections need to be made by hand.  Because, you know, fuck that noise.]

They need to be ten pages
[9 full pages with a single line on the 10th page]

[2.2 spaced, because why would Word even have that option if not for this exact thing?]

12-point font

Any questions?  Okay, go ahead and get started.
[Let’s see. I’ll put my name.  Then a line break.  Then the class name.  Then another line break.  Teacher’s name.  Line break.  Which period.  Line break.  The date.  Line break.  The assignment name.  Line break.  Final Draft.  Line Break. Line Break Line Break.  Title.  Line Break Line Break Line Break.  Alright, here we go…]