“The Deep”

“Why do scientists always be like, “Bro, I just figured it’d be tight to like study this weird biomass that might be super dangerous, but fuck all that, what if it’s not and it’s super cool?”

All these horror stories have a scientist who makes something, and then is like, Holy shit, how could I have ever DREAMED that this scientific discovery would be used for evil?

And then you find out the scientific discovery is like a giant missile with sawblades on it, and demons shoot out of the back as soon as you launch it, and contained inside is a mixture of every disease ever catalogued, and the viruses are all mating in there and shit, and it’s electrified and if you look at it indirectly, you usually see all of your dead ancestors crowded around it-

They make THAT thing, and then they’re like, “Now, look at this and tell me how anyone could see such a thing as evil.””