“Super Sons, Vol. 1: When I Grow Up…”

“This one’s cute and all, but I think it’s meant to be an “all-ages” book. Which means it’s appropriate for kids and adults can read it too because, you know, we do whatever we want. We’re grown-ups. Eat Starburst Jellybeans to the point I get a stomachache? Even though I KNEW, before I hit the wall, that I was headed for ache-town? Yeah, damn straight.

I think I might be Damian Wayne-ed out. He’s not my favorite character, and he’s in a lotta books these days.

Also, Superman having a son really brings to light how stupid it is to have a story where Batman has a son. Superman having a son makes total sense, and it makes total sense why he’d sort of have to guide him to the super life. Because he’s gonna have powers, so he might as well be responsible, use his freeze breath to stop a giant starfish or whatever. Also, Superman is a total dad type. The big blue boy scout. Batman doesn’t really make sense as a dad. It kinda makes sense that Damian got all fucked up from being raised all fucked up, and Batman wants to try and shape him into someone useful. But for being such a badass, Batman is NOT good at teaching a kid to not have such a smarty pants smart mouth.

Summary: Batman is kind of a sucky dad, Superman is a good dad. And I guess that could make things interesting, but it doesn’t seem to. It just seems to make Batman having a kid more wacky. “