“Scalped: The Deluxe Edition Book One”

I think a lot of discussion about this book regards the authenticity of its depictions.

I’m of the opinion that, as that goes, you can kind of say, “This makes Indians/Indigenous People out to be criminals, drunks, and so on.” And I get that. But I don’t really read comics or watch movies that way. I don’t assume that Scalped, or other depictions of its type, are meant to depict an entire culture. I guess it could come with a caveat like, “This is a specific story about fictional characters, not a depiction of real life or an overall survey of a people,” but at the same time, I feel like when you’re watching the main character fight with nunchucks, that’s an assumption most thinking adults would draw, no?

I just didn’t feel like there was a whole lot of story here. For the length, we just didn’t get very far. I think the story gets set up, but then it just kind of…continues as-is.”