Phrases I Would Have Accepted as Dead Poet’s Society Type Moments in School

“No, I don’t think that Legos are an appropriate building material for a high school science project.”

“You can’t turn in math homework with goddamn eraser holes in it.  You just can’t.”

“Jesus Christ.  Is that what they have for lunch here?  Oh my god.  Stop.  Do not eat that.”

“I mean, if you want, I can probably help you find books that you’ll enjoy more than books based on upcoming motion pictures with 6 pages of pictures in the middle.  Granted, the pleasure of flipping right through those pictures and feeling like you skipped a quarter of the book, but I’m still confident here.”

“Seriously, you don’t need to keep all that shit.  All that shit in your backpack?  You can just forget that stuff.  Once it’s got a number in red pen on the top, let it drift away.  Into the mystic, my friend.”

“Um, don’t do student council.  That’s for assholes who have too much poster material sitting around at home.”