“Justice League, Vol. 1: The Extinction Machines”

“This one is going off the movie formula, which is as follows:

Buncha heroes get together

Buncha heroes fight…something. Some kind of faceless CG hoard of stuffs that work in a movie because it’s cool to punch their heads off.

Buncha heroes maybe gonna lose. And the news

HOLD ON! I have a thing here.

The fuckin’ news in this book, the world is being destroyed from the inside or something, and the news is like, “Why isn’t the Justice League doing more?” Motherfuckers, Superman is INSIDE the Earth trying to defuse enormous bombs that shouldn’t even exist. Green Lantern(s) save like half the world. Maybe instead of asking why the Justice League hasn’t fixed the shit yet, it’s time to pick up a shovel and do something of value.

Sorry, I get so incensed when it comes to fake news, and by fake news I mean of the type made up for comic books.

Back to the story!

Buncha heroes punch different, harder, like they mean it, and everything’s cool.

It’s a good team, but in a world of choices, this one doesn’t scratch any outstanding itches.”