several Jeff Strand book covers

Jeff Strand

An interview with Jeff Strand!
This is the best episode 489b a guy could ask for.

We cover some of Jeff’s books, his writing philosophies, a couple movies, and I, for one, had a blast. I would say Jeff had a moderately good time, but that’s just because I have low self-esteem and assume an hour with me is nobody’s ideal activity.

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Jeff recommends a couple of his titles for newbies interested after listening to this episode:

One is Demonic, Jeff’s latest, which brings us a fella named Corey, who is in love with Quinn. Only problem: Quinn is married TO A SERIAL KILLER KNOWN AS THE TOLEDO TRASHER.

The other: Wolf Hunt, a book about a couple of guys hired to drive across Florida and deliver a man in a box. Or, at least, someone who appears to be a man at first…