“Iron Man, Vol. 1: Believe”

“Well, this ended EXACTLY where I wish it would have started, with Tony Stark suiting up and heading into space. Of course. Goddamn it. Why did we have to fight lesser Iron Men first? Why did we have to discuss the pluses and minuses of Tony Stark banging randos versus settling down with Pepper Potts? Why would that even be on the table at this point? Why does Tony Stark look like he’s wearing dentures?

And why oh why do people keep trying to out-Iron-Man Iron Man? If you want to beat Iron Man, it’s simple. Just keep sending drinks over to Tony Stark’s table until he bottoms out, gets wasted, and spends all his time having heart-to-hearts with people instead of blasting your evil moon base or whatever.

Not terrible by any stretch, but I feel like someone somewhere was like,”Let’s do a couple months of ramp up before we actually do some cool shit.””