If Real Life Were More Like Video Games

Guy:  Pete, I need you to do me a favor.

Pete:  I’d rather not.

Guy:  Okay, but I have that spell book you need.  And I’ll only give it to you if you do me this favor.

Pete:  Can’t I just pay you?

Guy:  No way, man.  What do I need money for?

Pete:  Can I just look at one page?  One goddamn page?

Guy:  Nope.  Sooooorry.

Pete:  Okay, fine.  What’s the favor?

Guy:  I need you to go across this valley here.

Pete:  Uh-huh.

Guy:  Into the forbidden cave.

Pete:  Okay.  Got it.  Forbidden cave.

Guy:  Slay the gigantic spider that is the product of the worst nightmare of nightmares.

Pete:  Check.

Guy:  And then return with the sword the spider is protecting.  Is that clear?

Pete:  I mean…yeah.  I think I understand your directions.  It’s just…

Guy:  What?

Pete:  Well, first things first, you must have certainly considered that if I have the skills to do that, I’d probably have no real trouble just stabbing you and taking that spell book.

Guy:  Huh.  Honestly, hadn’t thought of that.

Pete:  Yeah.  Because that sounds A LOT easier than doing all that other stuff.

Guy:  I see your point.  But still.

Pete:  Also, this giant spider.  Is it rare?  An animal you don’t see a lot?

Guy:  Oh, extremely!  It’s the only one of its kind.

Pete:  That’s what I thought.  See, the thing is, I’m cool killing stuff.  I killed a hawk just to make this belt buckle.

Guy:  It’s nice.

Pete:  Right?  And then I threw the rest of the carcass into a fire for absolutely no fucking reason.

Guy:  Nice.

Pete:  But that’s a hawk.  There’s billions of those fuckers.  Giant spider king?  I don’t know, man.

Guy:  Yeah.  Reasonable reservations so far.

Pete:  And finally, why the fuck don’t you just get it yourself?  You have a spell book.  You could do some spells, walk in there, turn the spider king into dust, and then just take the sword.

Guy:  Huh.

Pete:  Yeah, huh.  Meanwhile, I’m like ten.  I don’t even have a jacket.

Guy:  Are you done?

Pete:  Yes.  Yes, I’m done.

Guy:  Good.  Okay.  How about I’ll also give you some…information?

Pete:  Well….alright.  But this better be worth it.  None of that ‘The dragon is weakest in its flashing red weak spot.’  I already know that.