How I’m Affected by the Weather

“The Temperature is 58-degrees today.”

Oh, um, shit.  Shit?  Well, maybe not shit.  I don’t know.  The sun is the part that does the warming?  Okay, and it’s still early.  I think we’re cool.


“Windchill factor of -10-degrees.”

I’m sorry, but I don’t know how fast of a wind that is.  I know three speeds of wind:
1.  Not enough for kites.
2.  Perfect for kites.
3.  Miserable for all, DESTROYS kites.

So if you could report the wind in a more relatable way, that would be appreciated.


“Chance of precipitation 86%”

I’m watching fucking snow right now.  So you don’t even give a damn.  Not one damn.  If you did, you would at least refresh your web site.


“And here’s today’s dew point.”

Here’s the Dew Point: I look outside and say, “DO I think there’s POINT enough to my life to exit my apartment today?”