
I have an important question for Starbucks baristas.

When did it become a contest to see who could fill a coffee cup to the absolute limit?  Seriously, is there a reason you feel compelled to fill a cup to the absolute brim?  I swear to god that if I took the lid off, the liquid would be curved HIGHER THAN THE CUP’S BRIM, curved just over the top, held in place only by the surface tension of liquids.

Are there people who are outraged over the space, the extra half mouthful they would otherwise miss out on?  I think that the front of my pants would be pretty upset that they were denied their normal share, but they would just have to get over it.

Also, how gross is this?

I start drinking the coffee, then a bunch spills all over the lid.  A nice, pristine white lid is soiled with brown sludge.  So I go from this:

To this:

As much as I like putting smears of poo right up to my face IN THE PROPER CONTEXT I struggle with it on the coffee cup lid.

So please, baristas.  Just calm down.  Think about the fact that this cup will be carried out into the world, and if it spills all over my goddamn pants one more time and I have to do the thing where I weirdly slurp at the lid to collect the cooling pool of poo, I’m going to be upset.