Review: Deep State, Vol. 1

Deep State, Vol. 1
Deep State, Vol. 1 by Justin Jordan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I like the whole X-Files vibe going here, but I have to say, I think this book totally blows its own biggest surprise way too early. Maybe it reads a lot differently in monthly issues, but damn did we find out a little too much a lot too soon.

I don’t remember a ton of X-Files other than it being a show I tried to watch as a kid and kinda loved but was also entirely too scared of.

What are my memories?

The Episode Where The Kid Was Watching TV Static And Writing 1’s and 0’s That Turned Out To Make A Giant Picture: A really unfortunate thing to be terrified by in the 90’s was TV static. That shit was everywhere. And why was the static always so fucking loud? A movie would end, you’d toggle whatever WWII-era cockpit toggles you had to switch channels on the TV, and the static would come blaring out, loud as hell.

The Fluke Man: Mostly because he ends up in a porta-potty, and as if there needed to be another reason to be averse to porta-potty use…

The Stretchy Guy Who Goes Down A Pipe: Scariest shit ever. Why? I dunno. Because he can be in a pipe. That means he could be anywhere. I suppose if you saw him coming, you could probably mash him with your foot and make a run for it. But who knows?

The Computer System That Comes To Life: Like all things of this type from the 90’s, probably woefully dated and ripe for an A.V. Club write-up about how this dystopian vision has come true blah blah blah.

The One That Was Just Like John Carpenter’s The Thing: Which was still pretty awesome because The Thing is awesome, so the same story in the same setting with the X-Files theme song in front of it is a solid 8.5.

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