Review: Wolverine: Old Man Logan

Wolverine: Old Man Logan
Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Mark Millar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Old Man Logan is a lot more effective than Old Man Pete. I’ll say that much.

Mark Millar, man, when he’s on, he’s on. And the art by Steve McNiven is fantastic.

A lot’s been said about this one, so I’d like to focus on an aspect that I loved. The return of The Spidermobile!

Yes, Peter Parker’s wheels make a return in this book for possibly the title’s silliest element.

Complete with its Spider-Man hubcaps, this lil buggy made its debut in Amazing Spider-Man #174 when the ever-broke Spidey made an endorsement deal with a car company.

The deal was short-lived. Mysterio tricked Spider-Man into dumping the car in the river (somehow), and it was lost until the Tinkerer showed up with an EVIL version, which Spidey defeated.

For the most part, The Spidermobile has been played as a joke since then. There was a fictional Smithsonian exhibit which included the Spidermobile and a laughing crowd scoping it out. And Deadpool swiped it, gave it a paint job and called it the Dead-Buggy.

Also, there are some alternate Earth Spidermobiles, including a sentient version called the Peter Parkedcar.

Anyway, in the midst of this apocalyptic tale of terribality, we get the Spidermobile. And for some of us, that was fucking sweet.

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